We will progress in UX maturity through...
• Establishing a baseline understanding of UI and UX with DaySpring leadership and coworkers. This creates healthy relationships, long-term partners and ux advocates across the org.
• Advocating for the user at all stages of a project from concept to code with business requirements in mind through a design thinking methodology. We want to Understand, Explore solutions, then Materialize into the actionable.
• Conceptualizing Mission and Vision statements that encapsulate our desired culture and give clear direction through inspirational language for both the ux team as well as company-wide.
• Developing a detailed ux workflow that serves as a framework when designers approach projects. This will drive efficiency, cross-functional collaboration, scope clarity, and responsibility ownership. This will reduce project fall off.
• Gather standardized tools and resources into division-specific Jira projects where designers can access what they need when they need it. Providing standardized tool and resources will insure workflow and quality consistency across multiple designers.
What is UI & UX?
The first slide in a presentation I had with coworkers, stakeholders and leadership shows a simplified overview of focus areas within both User Interface design and User Experience design. After the presentation multiple people I work with on a regular basis were much appreciative of the breakdown. They expressed to me how they had not previously known what each area of focus entailed.
Advocate at All Stages
In the same presentation as above, I showed my team's design thinking process and how ux fits into all staging of a project with added value.
UI/UX Mission & Vision Statements
Mission Statement​​​​​​​
We design user-centered digital experiences that drive clarity, form context and build confidence for the end user. These intuitive user interfaces and experiences continuously elevate brand credibility and directly contribute to business growth.
Vision Statement
To nurture a culture of visionary design that transforms every digital connection into a life-giving pathway to growing with God.
UI/UX Project Workflow
I created this project workflow and rules of thumb chart as a resource to ux team members. The timeline in the workflow is intended to serve as a starting point and framework for management through ux team projects. Depending on scope, each project timeline may look a little difference. The rules of thumb is a checklist that should become habit across all projects.
Jira Projects
I created a Jira project for each ux area of focus at DaySpring; DaySpring, Mary & Martha, Mahogany, (in)courage, etc...
These serve as the ux team's tool and resource repositories as well as housing backlogs for ticket capturing and kanban boards for project management.
UI/UX Roadmap
As part of the quarterly UX reporting deck, I will be implementing a UI/UX Roadmap section. This roadmap will detail the Now, Next, and Later across our ux portfolio. This not only communicates UX team focus areas to DaySpring leadership, but it serves as a division-wide viewfinder for ux team members as they navigate priorities within their daily work. Showing where we are going as a team encourages our team members on a daily basis. When we have vision, passion and creativity can flourish. 

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